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August 08, 2012

Online Video News

Apple is Lining Up a Sneak Attack on Television, Says Brightcove

Using AirPlay technology and dual-screen apps, Apple will create a new television experience that works any set -- all driven by the iPad.

Netflix Pays out $9M for Class-Action Lawsuit, Changes Privacy

The big winners are the suit's lawyers and a few unnamed charities, but mostly the lawyers.

Tremor Finds Bigger Videos Lead to Higher Completion Rates

For improved ad performance, try a bigger video player. Viewers are more likely to complete and engage with bigger ads.

Featured Articles

London Olympics Already an Online Streaming Success for NBC

As an alternative to tape-delayed prime time coverage, viewers are tuning into NBC's live online streams.

Akamai Presents a Single Operator CDN VOD Case Study

Demonstrating how the discussion around CDNs has changed, Akamai presents a European client using a single operator CDN platform to deliver its VOD library.

High Quality Video Leads to Better Monetization, Says Panel

Highwinds and Baeblemusic find that moving from RTMP to HTTP delivery resulted in a variety of improvements.

Online Video is Causing Seismic Shifts in Internet Traffic

According to a large study by DeepField Networks, CDN traffic and over-the-top services are rapidly evolving the internet.

Editor's Note

VidCon Brings Together the Stars, Fans, and Passion of YouTube

The annual gathering of video-makers and video-watchers shows that YouTube has a strong community, but perhaps too much passive devotion.

Industry News

Avid Customers Lead 2012 Summer Box Office

Avid audio and video solutions support The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises, Men In Black 3 and Prometheus.

Flingo Provides Netgear NeoTV with New Original Content

NeoTV and NeoTV Pro Streaming Players provide viewers with a richer TV experience with content from YouTube’s ‘It’s Fred!’, TV Guide, and more

Evatronix to Demonstrate the Future of Video Streaming at the Flash Memory Summit

Combination of two high-end IP cores from Evatronix – ONFi 3.0 NAND Flash controller and the PANTA DP20 Display Processor – enables users streaming up to 3 video channels with total data throughput of 160 MB/s.